AND PAUL SAID.And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
This context was use by Paul when he recieved unimaginable gift from the corinthians.To show appreciation for all the kind gesture,he prayed for them.
Hey lovely people
With great humility and joy in my heart I want to present to you my new MacBook pro. hurray!
There were a lot of things I had wanted to write about on my birthday but trust me, I don’t really know why I was stressed and frustrated during my 30th birthday to the extent that I didn’t even want to do, say or even cut cake on my birthday.
I am one crazy girl that birthdays are my touch notch event I don’t play with it.
I can literally cut cake as early as 4am before going to work.If its weekend then hallelujah.
My birthday was last week Friday on the 22ndNovember but I was literally down that my sister was even worried.
My feelings were ridiculous, lonely,stressed and confused. I wore black on my birthday just to forego people’s attention on my birthday but unfortunately, I was on a whole television for all day.
I had wanted to be myself, have myself and do my own reflection of God’s goodness in my life.
It wasn’t as low key as I plan but God really surprised me.Take a minutes and image God using someone you just met from nowhere[stranger] to manifest a wish of almost half a decade to life through a stranger.Delay!they say is not denial.He makes all things beautiful in his time.
So, prior to 2 weeks to my birthday, I lost an amount of 150 was magic because from my sisters’ room to mine was just the next door.
I remember dropping it in my bag [that if I did] but until now I don’t know where the Cheque varnished to till now.
Rewind to 3 weeks before my birthday I met someone in a flight and we indeed spent a lot of time talking.[40 minute].We exchange numbers and he even dropped me at my hotel on arrival.infact the whole conversation was faith and God’s goodness.We kinda both shared similar testimonies from how God change our lives from grass to was magical.
Someone might say: maybe he is interested in me, far from that.
Long story short, on my birthday he gifted me money to buy laptop, I had wanted to buy camera since am a content creator but I was advised by my sister to use every gift for it right purpose and am glad I did.
My whole birthday was surrounded by this wishes below :
- Camera
- Mac book pro
- Wi fi router
And building my inner peace.I have not literally recieved salary since 2014 beause i have been in school and all the jobs I have been doing are voluntary services.This reminds me of how faithful the word of God is”the bible say it the blessing of GOD that maketh riches and not hardwork
To God be there glory am left with the camera to complete my heart desire but I know God has got me covered because he has done what is unimaginable.
There is one question I use to ask myself, why does God deal with me in such a weird way. I posted the missing money of my face book account and believed a miracle. Indeed faithful is he who has called us and he will surely fulfill his promise in my life.
I was gifted this Turbo Net from a friend I met just two days.I dont really remember the genesis of the conversation,but it was like someone we have known ourselves for years so when he found out of my birthday,he said I dont think anything will best perfect your birthday than this Mtn Turbo Net due to what you do as a content creator.
The excitement of this testimony was not requisite of my wishes or what I had but just to inspire someone of God’s goodness.
When I misplace the money, I was sad and as well assured because this is not the first time God has surprised me on my birthday. I hope this article goes a long way to inspire that one person who is believing God for a miracle on his or her special day.
May God surprise you as he did for me in Jesus Name.AMEN!
There is nothing we have that we did not receive from God.
7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Mat 7:7-8 (NIV)
wow very inspirational, God never fails. God bless you!!