Relationship Chatroom


Hello super lovely people,its your one and only online stalker,positive stalker tho,lol.

Welcome to the amazing blog site ever,yes I self claim it  in Jesus Name..oh yes.

Its #relationshipchatroom ladies,so i have been recieving a lot of messages on selflove and how to super love oneselve without turning back,so there you go lovelies.



So I call it #womanpower.Ladies that is your power.however way you are treated is how you carry,see or relate with people,so how do you see yourself?

How do you make people see you.

What reaction do you get when they see you?

LADY!!! all the answers are in you loving your self.

Growing up,I was so much fat,big or plumb…decoratively.but one thing  I discovered fast at that age is loving myself to attract same love  from people.

But before then,this is what I did.

you can’t gather your struggles that makes you feel less of inner love until you identify and gather them inorder to strategies ways to overcome.

I want to be loved by all but my size was my hinderance,yours could be physical,emotional or physchological.

Gather them and stratagies how to overcome them.

Even before identifying them,seek help with dignity and gratitude.

There is always a topic for discussion as well as a case to understudy.

What could be your painful experience that you can go like “now it over,you cant get me or look down on me.”

Permit me to say “pain is painful and unforgetable,use them,channel them positively to inspire yourself  to move on and never giveup.

My field of losing myself love was my weight,yours could be looks or any other at it to your widest imagination to build yourself.

I practically had to fast 15 hours sometimes  in a day or week.

For good three months, I was off carbohydrates  for 3months now and counting.

I have gracefully lost 10Ibs in 3 month and i feel my confident level is super amazing.

What do you love to do?what drives you?

Ladies don’t sit for someone to take you out before you can be happy,busy yourself,find something you are  passionate about,be financially incline and build yourself with what you love doing.I am passionate about writting,crazily business minded,love blogging,I don’t really like being idle to think about my pains or losses.

Be driven by your passion and make good use of time.

Let our level change,upgrade yourself,loss that weight,do that makeup,change that wardrobe.

Branding is very important,I remember anytime I post pictures or videos in my whatsapp status or social media, I get massive likes and followers,that the power of branding.

Those who dislike you will see you in shame and bow their heads.

That guy who brokeup painfully with you because of your size or looks will see you and marvel.

NOTE:If he didnt listen to you when you were crying and wanted to talk to him, dont look back when he comes back begging.

Shoulders high,chinup,levelup and rule your POWER zone.

You deserve to be loved against all odds.Take charge,rule and never let your self love go off you.

“The only investment a woman can make or legacy,she can leave behind is investing in her own and only self ,the power of loving herself ,not forgetting her pains,stuggles and broken hearts  but naturing her experience into positive energy to rule her woman power.



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