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Work-life balance is the state of equilibrium where a person equally prioritizes the demands of one’s career and the demands of one’s personal life.

In my case, it getting overwhelming due to what I have on my plate. As an entrepreneur: marketing, social media, logistics, and creating awareness are key.

Not ignoring my blog which also requires writing and re-writing, editing and continuous reading, graphics, and research.

Being nocturnal, meaning awake most at night and hurt working at that moment, I wake up late which practically doesn’t enable me to have the best result as preferred🤫🤫🤫

With a keen focus on the below responsibilities. some of the common reasons that lead to my poor work-life -personal life balance include:

  • Increased responsibilities at work
  • Working longer hours
  • Increased responsibilities at home
  • Having children

Above are ridiculously true about finding balance in “having all day “to my personal self and now going into working space.

Will you believe that it took me days to process waking up early, Trotro and it struggles not forsaking trotro mate smelly armpit wahala?🥳🥳🥳😜😜

Finding balance with reporting to work at 7:30 am and closing at 4:30 pm. working on my business and managing my website is challenging and overwhelming.

I am ranting about these struggles because a lot of my cherished readers go through similar struggles in finding balance.

My goal of sharing these struggles is to let anyone reading this article know that:

  1. You are not alone if you are facing similar issue.
  2. The first point of solving a problem is identifying and acknowldging that you have a problem.
  3. SHARING or talking about your struggles also heals.
  4. Lastly,My mission on the blog is to share relatable life experience to heal and inspire.

With the above being said, Let’s acknowledge MY work-life AND Personal life “STRUGGLES”, Hopefully, you can relate.


With my background as a television producer and director, am tasked to manage the company’s youtube channel to ensure viewership, subscription by creating fresh innovative programs to engage the youth and create awareness of the companies activities.

Work with media houses to publish the companies event and support a radio program.

Sis, this task seems like just grammar but it’s a handful, the Goal here is less stress, a lower risk of burnout, and a greater sense of well-being. This not only to benefits me but also the company as well.

I practically closed early yesterday, got home around 6 pm but one giant email occupied me till 10 pm.

Oh yes!

Please close your mouth. 🤫🤫

Shhh, don’t say a word.

I can guess what you thinking.

Yes! I ask and got it. Thank you, ma’am.🤣🤣🤣


My last job was last September, hold on.

Reminiscing on this now seems like not too long but I was comfortable with not having to wake up early to work and struggle in traffic after work.

Am not a fan of doing one thing continuously, at least a little.

the spice here and there but while enjoying being at home, I also got bored and tried to busy myself and sleep anytime I wanted, hence my 50IBS weight gain.🤓😎😎😎😭😭

Currently, I work from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm which is ten hours a day. 😳😳😳😳😳 is working hours according to the labor law 8hour or 12 instead? let me know in the comment section.


Can you please stretch the just mentioned issue, please? Oh my God, I live like a married woman with kids. oohhhhk🤪🤪🤪

As the youngest among 3 men, two women including myself, and two young teenagers, I practically do all the domestic work.🤔🤔😷👏🤛

Due to this increase in domestic responsibility, I start washing on Thursday night and finish on Friday night, and clean as well.

Give me a second to explain this because I know you have questions like:

Why not on Saturday?

Babe girl!

The truth is: Saturdays are for resting and not for cleaning and washing, it’s my own philosophy so don’t come at me.✌️✌️

When I finish my tasks on Friday night after work, you can’t wake me up on Saturday morning nor tell me anything or disturb my peace.PERIOD!

Talking about responsibility, recording, editing, writing, and sleeping also comes with securing the bag. Do you know what I mean?

If you don’t know, then for gerriiit🤣

So when emails and office work crush, world war two start overwhelming my pretty little head.


Do you have kids?

my sister oooo.

NO, I don’t but my life for the past 8 years has been self-grooming to become that “mother, career woman, and a good wife to Mr. Right.

Anyways, if you see him anywhere, tell him that am tired of waiting but I know God is nurturing him too.✌️

Digressed a little but on a more serious note, I have a very hardworking and smart sister that I support in taking care of her kids.

The best auntie everrrrr✌️✌️✌️ so you can understand the kid’s bit now.OMG! They are all in one, JEEEESUS!

Quick advice! eeeiii madam counselor!

Do you see your life? 🤪🤪😳✌️

let me leave your problem and advise my cherished readers ok.

Back to the word, SINGLETONS! Please enjoy all you can because life is not the same again after marriage and childbirth.

Your personal life gets invaded anytime and anyhow.

You seize to have a quiet moment at home.

You naturally turn a teacher and talkative by default.

Not ignoring their soothing voice and tenderness, pure love and laughter.

It can be overwhelming when you lack balance. learn to prioritize things and enjoy your life because hmmmmm(to be continued..)

Deviated again but in all, these are my struggles finding balance in my new work, juggling with side hustles and personal life. hope you can relate in one way or another and hope you will join me as I journey with you to find equilibrium.

With a grateful heart, I appreciate you reading my articles and will love to keep in touch with you more in the comment section and WhatsApp by clicking on the notification bell for a direct Chat with me.

As I always say, Step into a space where you can endeavor to become the best version of yourself. While instantaneously accepting yourself exactly as you are. It is a place for the optimists, the go-getters, the imperfectly perfect, it’s surely for you, that human being blossoming to progress.



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