Someone may ask,what does celibacy get to do with finance? I can confidently say that 70% of women in relationships, including the toxic relationships, are based on a void within them. some could be loneliness, some the need to be loved and cared for and highly due to financial support. Our part of the world has “I LOVE YOU-YES IF YOU HAVE MONEY-THEN WE ARE IN RELATIONSHIP Pattern. Do you agree or not?
I have worked with young girls, been on the street with girls and heard a lot of young girl’s stories. Don’t judge them, but rather help them.
I ran away from home to the city as a virgin at age 22, mingling with men was hard work for me, talkless taking money from men which sounded like prostitution to me {ignorantly]. Until the real struggles of life hit ride on my face when I was thrown out of the house by my auntie. please don’t judge any girl until you have listened to their stories.
Fast forward to 2014, I experience some challenges in my life and career that lead me to depression and devastation.
I lost a job I presume God gave me, five years today, God made me realized that his plans are not mine and they are always for the good. So I told God that I need a stable life without any sexual relationship, I didn’t practically have this mentality of having sex or going into a relationship because of money, I was rich{Rethink if you think only money makes rich} and confident without a man, So to say. I am not in any way saying that men are trash or love is not beautiful, trust me, I am a cheerleader for intelligent, responsible and God-fearing men. I love… love and I love men.
In my love life, I have to experience love in tremendous ways, until I made this one crazy sacrifice, yes I did sacrifice my true love with useless traditions(pardon my language), I guess that will be a story for another time. let me know if you want me to share it in the comment section.
Fast forward, God answered my prayers and gave me a testimony without sweat and every Christian will say it was the doing of the lord and it was marvelous in my sight.
From that day, all my needs were miraculously met, it was from that day I promise God to stay off all immorality, not judging tho.
I have been getting these frequent questions from my own friends and people around me, asking how I been surviving this celibacy journey financially, sexually and personally. So in today’s article, I am going to share with you the three ways I have been surviving celibacy over 5 yrs without a man.
Every man knows women like money, but what most man doesn’t know is that their success is somehow intertwined with a woman. if you know me well, you will probably know that am a jake of all trade. In 2014 when I started my celibacy life, God gave me an idea of establishing a cleaning company where I render cleaning services for busy working mothers in the school I was teaching.this creative idea seized my time for men and roaming around unnecessarily. This cleaning job was 3times profitable compared to my teaching job. Fast forward, I have been running online businesses, blogging @, buying and selling @ahenemavibz, etc. I have also been helping my sister on her consultancy job which has been a blessing over the past few months. Now tell me if I had any financial reasons to chase men? I am not saying I don’t need money but am competent with where I am. This helped me to hold on to the promise of celibacy over the years.
Where can I start from when it comes to God’s favor and kindness upon my life? Tremendously favored, I hard a free tertiary scholarship education and a free total self-care benefit which inturn confirmed why I should be a celibate. I never lack anything to seek from men by God’s grace.
I had a free apartment to stay in, was favored last year to travel all over Ghana to work of which I made quite a lot of money, met a lot of people who have been a blessing to my life, who gifted me almost ten thousand Ghana cedis (10,000) to purchase whatever I needed within the time frame. shocked right?
God actually honored his promises and kept mind, deal sealed. Lovelies, I have never regretted this journey with its related issues if you know what I mean.
I experience the love that was hard to get from mere men from the family God gave me.
I have uncounted a lot of amazing gentlemen that my decision has drifted their purpose, possibly not of God, but I am still pushing forward.
I want to inspire you today if you have a strong feeling to put a stop to something you keep regretting after doing, then commit it to God, keep your promise and he will keep his.
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