Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog, today’s article is going to be a little bit personal and real. I really wish I can cross my legs on my bed and align my laptop on my lap but I guess my 53 inches hips can’t sit on my legs properly so let manage the stretched legs.
I am that productive girl who always wants to be on top of her game when it comes to my profession but I really suck when it comes to relationships.
Let do some background dating history ok. alright, I let my guard down at age 22 years and I don’t care about whatever you going to say because I did more than well at that age.
I had dreams and aspirations but you know life happens, Fast forward three years later I was done dating. I was spoilt and pampered didn’t know how the next person is going to treat me. wink!🤫
I have had pretty interesting date thou, well not all that Rosie but I cherish all my experiences.
I am a free-spirited person and anything that hold me back from doing what I want or say is an obstacle and that why I chose to be celibate.5 years down the drain, I have learned a lot about myself, from personal growth, self-development, self-love, and self-control.
My absence or celibacy journey has actually opened my eyes and heart to what I wanted for myself in life when it comes to relationships because that is where the case is, I can really tolerate some crab and that what people think it crazy.
Life experience with men and people around me has been an eye-opener for me to truly access and position myself for what is ahead of me as far as marriage is concerned.
I never get bothered with what others do when it comes to my emotions and I think that action was developed from where I grew up. I grew up in a two-story building with a lot of tenants, marriage and single, cheaters, honest, and womanizers. I saw a lot of fo things that made me psyched my mind on humans in general as young as age 12. I saw good women that served their husband’s side chicks ignorantly, good and responsible men loved with their all but never get loved.
I know perfectly well that, my life is far different from what I saw growing up as long my destiny concern, although it made me see more self-love that really foregoing myself.

Honestly, womanizers fascinate me because they are very smart, they know what to say and do at the right time that sounds a bit crazy but take it or leave it, its the truth.
I grew up to be that girl that loves challenging herself to defeat anything she valued, cherish, and that my integrity and pride, that really sounds like a guy right? Yes, I think so. I have a little masculine ish in my bloodstream.
Ok enough of me, the main reason for this article is to share with you why some women are scared of loving because am also a victim AM I REALLY SCARED OF FALLING IN LOVE? Ask yourself again if you are still not sure.
I love the experience of love but all my plugs turn of the moment I sense love in someone’s eyes. This is mostly men Delima and so do women too.
- The fear of being hurt: of course I have been beautifully hurt but the hurt I have seen people go through in the name of love is shocking and unbelievable.
- The fear of losing something that once cherished: nobody wants to lose what he or she is enjoying or make her happy. I lost my best friend last year and I lost appetite for friendship again.
- The fear of unknown identity: Everyone knows his or her name but not their identity SOMETIMES, Where you are coming from, where you are going to an individual, who you really are and how you feel plays a major role in defining once choice. This is mostly a critical stage in the life of a man. until he is fully convinced to give himself out, everything marriage, commitment, and love are other matters to him.
- The fear Of trust: I believe life is dynamic and so are humans, people grow, things change for good or bad, but the most important thing is to be the best trustworthy for yourself and it will be reciprocated.
with the above mention and many more are fears that prevent others from falling in love, but someone may ask why should you fear to fall in love because love is a beautiful thing trust me but in one way or the other this fear has shaped me to reach some potential level in life but I still believe there are amazing people out there who are honestly waiting for your acceptance to show you more than love if you only let them.
My past or your past was just part of the script to guard you.it times to get rid of that fear and open your heart out am on the paths of working on myself and we can do it together if you can relate.
#STAYHOME#STAYSAFE. See you on my next time but don’t forget to turn on the ALLOW notification to have prompt anytime I post an article. PEACE OUT.