Following up on, Actor, Prince David Osei and Ghana Celebrities website and its owner, Chris Vincent defamation of character, the actor has confirmed his intention to sue the blogger to use him as a deterrent to his fellow blogger to authenticate their sources before publishing any news about them
However, Prince David Osei has denied all allegations explaining that, he did not borrow, owe or asked A-Plus any money as it was alleged, but rather it was A- Plus who sent him a Momo of 500GH to fuel his car to attend his event which he refuses to attend because he wasn’t convinced or didn’t want to be part of it.
“I don’t know if that is why he is trying to tarnish my image’’. He said He made this confirmation in an interview with IB.the actor has also revealed that he does not have any issues with A-Plus as far as he is concern but he presume, A -Plus is behind that scandal, just to distroy his brand because he refue to attent his movement.