IF I WAS A BOY, I’D BE THE BEST SORT AFTER WOMANIZER WITH GRACE? lol, what will you do if you were are girl or boy?
If I was a boy, I will roll out of the bed in the morning and throw on what I wanted and go, drink beer with the guys and chase after girls. I’d kick with who I wanted n I’d never get confronted for it because they stick out for me.
If I were a boy, I think I could understand how it feels to love a girl, swear I’d be a better man.
I’d listen to her because I know how it hurt when you lose the one you wanted Cause he’s taking you for granted And everything you had got destroyed.
If I was a boy I would turn off my phone and tell everyone it broken so they ‘d think that I was sleeping, just to be with her.
This is what Auntie Beyonce will do If he was a boy but now I think it my turns to live like a boy for a day so let do this.
If I was a boy, I will definitely be the best and awesome womanizer Guinness book of records ever record as” that womanizer ladies still want to be with because of these 5 qualities. Although I don’t want to be a womanizer or have a lot of women floating on me, my awesomeness will call for it
First thing first I will

if I was a boy, I will listen to my lady like Mtn call center respondent, be polite, romantic with a respectful voice and attentive ears even though they won’t solve all your problems, have you wondered why most rich men’s wives cheat? It simple, their hubbies are often not attentive to listen to their rubbish so they just get carried away with some broke naga who is smart, list to all their problems without solving them and still, she gives him more money to solve his problems rather than hers. Do you know the secret to a successful marriage as a man? Allow your wife to release 2 million words when she is angry and listen than shouting her up.#youaredoom?.Don’t call it madness it normal with women as same as cheating is normal with men.?
If I was a boy, I will understand my woman because they don’t sometimes know how valuable they are until they are reminded by men. A whole stadia of women can praise a woman, but she will only understand and believe herself when it comes from a guy. Women do unimaginably great when they have great partners for support. Shut up it a curse by God?
Be emotionally available as a lesbian(Emphasis ‘as’). I am not in any way patronizing lesbianism but lesbians are two women with equal goals and mindset of love. they understand how important it is to be emotionally dependent on each other?.so if I was a boy I will always be available even if it just a second because I know how women value their partner’s presence when needed✌️
Do you have a partner? If yes then what is your partner’s love language? Do you see yourself? Lack of observation so you don’t know. Love languages are an act of service, gift, physical touch, quality not quantity time and words of affirmation. With these tricks and implementation, your love life will be like a scent of the fragrance in every lady’s nose. the truth of the matter is, women don’t actually need all the time in the world and am number one.yels?.Women actually want just a little but quality time with their partners’ little WhatsApp saying good morning sunshine is all they need.so I will give my woman little but quality time if I was a boy
I hurt to say money but every woman gad deem likes money. Money answers all problems but doesn’t solve all problems, don’t get it twisted. Now the truth to your curiosity of that rich girl in your community following that dirty but cutie and broke guys is not because of money but because the guy is available emotionally, understands and believe in her, he listen and knows her love languages so stop envying and follow my leads, sit back and relax while the girls keep floating on me.?so I will give my girlfriend money without her asking if I was a boy
Hey, y’all! This has been my enjoyable article for 2020 and thanks to T.I.A page for this awesome “what will you do if you were a boy.hope you love it, please don’t forget to like share and subscribe to my blog because I post on MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND ON FRIDAY. let me know what you will do if you were a girl or a boy in the comment section. If you don’t see my post on these days then I am enjoying love and life
please like, share and subscribe to my blog. See you on Wednesday and remember you are blessed with all heavenly blessings. PEACE OUT!❤️?
thanks, a lot Fasa.