Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog hope you guys are doing pretty kool.sorry, I have been off for a while now.I went home for a short visit to see the old woman.
Its been quite a while visiting home and trust me I have actually changed a lot over the years and I just found out that I have tremendously changed, but is it good or bad? can you runaway from calling.That is the topic for today.
I use to be that girl who never wears makeup, trousers and has not experienced a lot of ‘worldly things” because am born and breath from a typical African and pentecostal home.
Do you think the pentecostal believe has changed now? comment down below if you grew up in a pentecostal home or spiritual home.
A little background on pentecostal deep-rooted family, I actually grew up going to catholic once in a year.Growing up as a child I didn’t see catholic as a church for me because it was a bit chill and relaxed for me depending on how I see myself to be.
Due to that I normally go to church ones every year or sometimes twice just to show off my beautiful Christmas dress.
My auntie actually took my mum to catholic but my mum didn’t really make fax to even inspire us to go to church regularly.
Mind you, my uncle from my mums’ side was am elder, my auntie married a pentecostal pastor, my uncle from my father’s side is a pastor and I have a lot of cousins who are also pastors.
I can’t actually describe the process in which I became a full-time pentecostal as a child. But I remember my cousins sharing a lot of God’s word(memory verse) from the bible of the head and that was very fascinating tO me and always wished I could also say such verses.I remember telling my mum that I want to go to my uncle’s church.
Somewhere in early 2000, my mum fell sick and we ended up in a preyer camp for several years.After my mum had recovered and got back home, I made it known that am going to church with my cousins and that was how it all begun.
Rewinding back to the prayer camp days, we use to pray frequently and as young as I was, I started seeing things in my dreams that just manifest itself in reality like a prophetess without understanding.
In as much as it was very scary, there was this peace in my heart, because I could see what can happen in the days ahead of me and that actually saved my life countlessly from food poisoning, accident, stroke and many more. I remember waking up with a deadly disease called “ananse”
Whiles kids are enjoying their holidays, I was seriously fasting and praying to safe a life I know nothing about but kinda jobed to intercede without pay lol
I started sharing my dreams with my mum thinking things can change.,I mean to stop seeing dreams.
Sometime around 2010 things in my dream worsen drastically without any help, things got out of hand to the extent that, things I see in my dreams just full of like watching Indian movies.
As childish as I was, I thought running g away from home will stop me from dreaming dreams so I run away from home. Did it stop there? No?
So my next move was to break my virginity at age 22 thinking I will be less holy for God to leave me alone. how childish and silly was I? forgetting that what God said in the book of Act 2:17

‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Act chapter 2:17
With this revelation, I realize I have been a fool all this while trying to change that part of my destiny
Exalted, then, to the right hand of God, He has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out what you now see and hear.Act 2: 33.
At this very juncture, I have first of all run away from home but not away from God and his dream giftings.i have foolishly broken my virginity but still seeing dreams.
Two days ago, a former colleague at work asked me if I know” I have a calling? I knew perfectly that I do, but I said he should tell me, then he started sharing some revelations with me. I started seeing the end-time age 9, fighting fetish priest who my mum has been summoned to kill in the sky, I received the holy ghost baptism early morning on my way to school without a touch.
Now the reason why I am sharing this is not to put my personal or spiritual life out there and who even cares if I do but this article is purposed to bring to book that girl or boy who is running away from his calling. Is it scary, challenging and sad/happy sometimes? I want to assure you that, your life can never be as you wanted if you don’t surrender yourself to the source. trust me it comes with a lot of rewards and excitement.its as simple as a doctor who heals.
I one time needed a job and a place to stay, so I went to the beach with a cousin and something in me didn’t want to go, so I ask her to leave, in less than 2 hours, two guys approached me and said”you have a problem so tell us and we will help you.they took me to their house and gave me a place to stay, feed me till I got a job through my dreams.
I remember praying for a 2years old girl whom her parent took me in when I lost my job, provided until I needed no more, paid my entire tertiary education fees without my parent’s knowledge.
so am asking, if I can blame God for losing my virginity.