A wise woman once said, When we are stuck in rut, we are invited to grow and expand when I saw this very quote I suddenly became sober because of how my life has been. we normally ask questions like why me God, why are my friends living their best life but things don’t seem to push forward with me?
You might have a fuzzy idea of the person you want to be or the kind of life you want but you don’t really know how to make that happen, this is where the feeling of dissatisfaction roll in.
But the good news is that you can, in fact, get out of the rut you are stuck in-even if you feel the complete opposite.if you feel like you can’t move forward in life, chances are, it has something to do with the following reasons.

Your perception of yourself is your power, a key to yourself esteem breakthrough. As young as I was my passion, interest, and hobbies where my identities when growing up, certain things changed along the growth process that is actually when I started asking myself who really am i in life, the moment answers to such questions refuse to manifest themselves for a long time, that is when one feels he or she is stuck in life. I had known myself to be that girl who loves to sacrifice me to make others happy, I didn’t like seeing people leave my life the same way they came in so per others observations nursing was a perfect job career for me but life really became miserable when I applied nursing school for the 11 times in my life without getting admission. the feeling of uncertainty now set in to find who really am I .sometimes the search for your identity as an individual can make you lose the keys and powers to your self-esteem because without a concrete actualization of who you really are hold back your sense of living rendering you stuck in life.

A lot of people don’t realize that they could be so much closer to their ideal future if only they spent real time thinking about what that future actually means. They only have a vague, lack define ideas of the things that they want. Without a clear idea of what to aspire for, those plans and goals will be just as half-baked.there is mostly confusion when it comes to what people really want to what they need, your needs survive you while your want sustain you. And so, one’s inability to have a well-defined idea of what your “Point B” is – a.k.a. Where you want to be..then work your way back to “Point A”, which is where you are now.That means you have to have a well-defined “Point B” before you can start plotting your course towards that destination of knowing what you want. I have been fighting myself for almost a decade and still searching for what I really want in life. it sometimes tricky because I put in my all to enjoy every bit of anything I have hands-on from editing videos, producing television shows, learning cake and sugarcraft, and still confused about what I want in life rendering me stuck on my life journey. you might have also done everything you want but I want to assure you not to give up.

A lot of people tend to just accept their situation and get used to feeling stuck. This is often because they have been so beaten down that they felt like there’s nothing to do but give up.
They become desperate and think that there’s really nothing else for them to do. It’s like they are in an endless tunnel with no light to look forward to but what they don’t realize is that they lack a solid plan to get out of the rut they’re in. That’s why they never achieve the escape velocity to overcome the gravity of their situation. Worse, they’re afraid to come up with a plan in the first place. Treading water and staying afloat is a lot less scary than trying to move forward and fail. The struggles to finding ways to get what we actually want to become tied back. I didn’t have any role model growing up, no financial back support, talkless who to or where to go for what I really need in life and in most cases, one’s inability to how to get what he or she wants to, neglect the power to fight the stuck rut in life. But in the long run, “protecting” yourself from failure has far worse consequences than making a plan to get un-stuck.
I hope you enjoy today’s article which am sure has given you insight on why you feel stuck in life and believe with this observation, you will take time to find solutions to your stagnation in life and wish you all the best as you start your journey, be assured that kuksonline well bring few tips on how to get yourself rolling out of the stuck, in order not to lose our next article please allow the notification to be notified with our next post.